Centaur Mechanical Design Pty Ltd
Project Information
Australian Magnesium Corporation 1500 t/a Pilot Process Plant constructed at Gladstone, QLD
Centaur Mechanical Design was selected through competitive bidding to provide isometric piping details for the AMC Magnesium pilot plant project. The engineering, design and procurement was conducted as a joint venture between STG-FCB Pty Ltd and Fluor Daniel.

  amc building erection

Prior to providing isometrics, we were asked to also provide two draughtsmen to join the piping layout design team. This helped the client to issue "For Construction" layouts for the main process section of the plant on time with scheduled milestones. It also gave us valuable design knowledge which we were able to carry over into the creation of the isometric details.




  amc ga

We were one of two draughting companies creating isometric piping details for AMC Pilot Plant. The quantity of pipelines required to have isometric details was divided approximately in half by specification. The other draughting company was given all of the standard specification carbon steel and stainless steel lines. We had the much more interesting task of creating isometric details for all of the piping with special materials of construction, with each specification having differing particular requirements. These materials included Inconel 600, PTFE Lined Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel grades 2205 and 2507. We also created site run isometric details for all of the plastic piping including PP, PE and uPVC.



  amc iso

300 plus isometric details were produced on our own add-on CAD piping package. As well as standard symbology, this package uses specification and materials data bases to provide consistent Bill of Materials on each drawing and electronic BOM output. All of our isometrics were fully checked, as this is an important part of maintaining our quality standard. Towards the end of the job we were also engaged to conduct an independent check of the materials listings on our colleagues' 300 isometrics.



  amc construction

This job was most successful for us and led to further work on the WMC Phosphoric Acid Plant

We also hope that our previous experience on this project will lead to us playing a role in the design and detailing of the piping for the full size plant which is due to start the design phase soon.




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